The Ghost of Sir Guy the Seeker
Photograph by Peter Greig
One stormy night in the 16th century, a gallant knight named Sir Guy took shelter in the ruins of Dunstanburgh Castle.
Out of the darkness, a hideous spectre appeared and told him of a maiden who needed saving.
The knight followed the figure to where the most beautiful woman he had ever seen lay sleeping on a crystal plinth.
To the left of her was an ancient calling horn. On the other side lay a sword.
The figure beckoned Sir Guy over to the plinth and said, “The fate of the beautiful maidan is in your hands. You must choose either the horn or the sword. Choose now!”
Sir Guy picked up the horn and gave it a mighty blow.
The sound echoed around the crumbling castle walls, waking 100 ghostly knights from their deathly slumber.
Drawing their swords, they rushed at Sir Guy who expected to meet his death. Instead, the blades passed through him without marking or cutting his flesh and he woke to the words — “Shame on you Sir Guy for choosing the horn. A warrior would have chosen the sword!”
Sir Guy became obsessed by the beautiful maiden on the crystal plinth. To try and mollify the shame he felt he spent the rest of his life searching for her, with the hope to rescue her. He never did.
To this day, the ghost of Sir Guy still wanders the ruins of the forlorn castle forever seeking out the sleeper on the crystal plinth. His harrowing cries can still be heard on stormy evenings at Dunstanburgh.