Within the Walls of Warkworth

Towering above the village of Warkworth stands the majestic Warkworth Castle which can be seen from miles around. Whether travelling along the Northumberland coast of journeying from inland, the sight of the mighty castle keep in the distance is always a joy to behold.

To this day, the date and circumstance of the castle’s foundation remain unclear. However, the first written record of Warkworth Castle occurs in a Royal Charter between 1157 and 1164. At the beginning of the 14th century, Warkworth was acquired by the powerful Percy family. As the Earls (and later Dukes) of Northumberland, they were among the greatest land owners in Northern England and the stronghold of Warkworth would become their favoured residence.

Featuring a selection of unseen images from the article ‘Mighty Strongholds’ in This Is Northumberland 2023, we hope you enjoy this stunning photography collection of Warkworth Castle by Callum Thompson.

The Great Keep


The Gatehouse


The Grey Mare’s Tail Tower


The Lion Tower


Little Stair Tower


Carrickfergus Tower


Montagu Tower


Great Tower Stairway


The Great Hall


Collegiate Church


The Cellars


Castle view over the Coquet


Forage & Feast


Salmon Netting on the Tweed